
Carretera Cartonera

Carretera Cartonera is a trip and documentary project that goes through five south american countries discovering the editoriales cartoneras: cooperatives, groups of workers or people who get together to produce books binding them with cardboard, usually bought from cartoneros (called as well recicladoresor catadores).
Cartoneros are people who collect cardboard from the streets and sell it in order to live.
Me and Anna Trento travelled in January and February 2015 through 5 countries, by foot and by bus, for 7532 km, visiting Sao Paulo, Santa Maria (RS) Buenos Aires, Santiago del Cile and Montevideo; going through the Pampas, the Andes and the Rio de La Plata, telling from the inside the reality of the editoriales cartoneras met along the path that unifies them in this beautiful continent.

Here the short version on the magazine INTERNAZIONALE